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Christmas World

Christmas Music Sheet, Cards. Before Christmas Nightmare.

Friday, November 10, 2006

Tips on Decorating your Home for the Christmas

Christmas Decoration 1. Let us start by designing the front door. Decorating front doors is essential because it is where company enter. This is the first thing they will see and first impressions last. Putting a Christmas headdress on the upper center of the door would do the trick.

And to add to the beauty, it would be nice to put a big red ribbon on it. You may in some way think that a Christmas wreath could somehow cost something. But you no need to buy, let your mind's eye come alive and create your own.

2. When designing hallways, you could always make a colorful banner that says Merry Christmas. Place a table with a colored red and green table cloth and place four candles with varying designing on top. The four candles typify the four weeks of advent. This would really give a lift the spirit of Christmas in your home.

3. Living rooms are always the favorite portion of the house to decorate. Hanging up Christmas socks on chimney walls has always been the custom. Creating some ornamental vegetation to put on top of the chimney would accessorize it more and would accent the wall. Living rooms are also the right place where to set up Christmas trees.

Accessorizing your trees with cards, snow, Christmas lights and hand made angels would create a fascinating look on your Christmas tree. You may also put your offerings for your family to open on Christmas Eve under the Christmas tree to serve as extra decorations before the big day.

4. Bedrooms are also part of Christmas decorating activity. You may change the color of your bed sheet and replace them with a bed sheet which has a grouping of red and green. Putting a figurine of Santa Clause on bedroom tables would also do the trick. Hanging up Christmas placard on doors would also accessorize the room.


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