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Christmas World

Christmas Music Sheet, Cards. Before Christmas Nightmare.

Sunday, November 19, 2006

Christmas Tree Decoration

A Christmas tree is one of the most well-known traditions linked with the festival of Christmas. It is typically an evergreen coniferous tree that is convey into a home or used in the open, and is highlighted with Christmas lights and multi-coloured ornaments during the days around Christmas.

Customarily, Christmas trees were not brought in and dyed until Christmas Eve (24 December), and then disconnected the day after twelfth night (i.e., 6 January); to have a tree up before or after these dates was even considered bad luck. Modern commercialisation of Christmas has however ensue in trees being put up much prior; in shops often as early as late October (in the UK, Selfridge's Christmas division is up by early September, complete with Christmas trees).

Some Christians, again a alternative, feel that since "Christmas Trees" are not biblically bound, they should not be used. Such individuals and Christian denominations are doubtful to rejoice Christmas at all, for the same reason, such as the United Church of God.